The limestone which is used as a dimension stone differs from the limestone used for cement making or for any other industrial purpose in two ways: firstly, chemical composition and secondly, the mode of occurrence. In both the types, the major constituent is calcium carbonate. but, very high silica content gives limestone sufficient hardness to be utilised as a dimension or building stone. The industrial limestone occurs as massive formation with less intercalations while in case of dimensional limestone, thin-bedded deposits are preferred. Limestone which is compact and amorphous in texture is known as flaggy or splittable limestone and is quarried in the form of thin slabs ranging in thickness from 12 mm to 50 mm in ready-to-use form .
Limestone has been used since ancient times for construction of houses, flooring and for various other building purposes. In recent times, the use of limestone has increased manifold mainly in interior flooring, cobble stones and for decorative purposes in combination with other stones because of its various colours and shades. Depending upon the place of origin of limestone and its colour, various types of nomenclatures have been used in the trade for limestone, such as, Kadapa Stone, Shahabad Stone, Kota Stone with different shades and colours (Kota Blue, Kota Brown, etc.), Kachchh Stone, Miliolitic Limestone, etc.